Setting the Date

This blog has chronicled the process of making a movie. So far, it’s all been hypothetical. Well, a script has been written, rewritten, read aloud, read aloud in front of an audience, found a producer, and submitted to a variety of places. But it still only exists on the page. And in this blog. And in my brain.

But no more.

It’s time to step on the railing of the balcony, stretch my arms, and see if this movie can fly.

It’s time to set a date. So here it comes… are you sitting down? Good. Because:

Closure will begin principal photography in January 2017.

Save the Date.png

You read that correctly.

I now open the floor to questions. Yes you, in the back.

Is the script finalized?
Hardly. I am still adjusting beats, adding scenes, honing characters, and a wide variety of other changes.

Do you have money yet?

Like, no money?
Well, I do have $18.51 in my pocket RIGHT NOW. Both otherwise, no money. Yet. But we are working on it. We have a plan. More to come soon.

Have you set the cast?
Not yet. A lot depends on availability. Shooting in January will work to our benefit. Most productions are shut down, and it’s not pilot season yet, so most actors are either at Sundance or staring at cracks on the ceiling, waiting for the phone to ring. And while I have actors in mind for many of the roles, there may be some interesting names thrown into the hat.

So the script isn’t locked. You don’t have any money. Or a cast.
That is correct.

Are you crazy?
(Adjusting tin foil helmet). Sorry, what was the question? (Notices a cat). Woof woof!

So how do you expect to pull everything off by January?
Because deadlines mean everything!

January isn’t an arbitrary dart toss to the calendar. Beau the producer is available then. Our star is working until mid-December and only then becomes available. Does that give us enough time to get everything done? I hope so.

But what’s important here is that with a deadline, everything escalates. The stakes are higher. Every filmmaker strives for perfection, but we all know that doesn’t exist. When I started this blog over three years ago chronicling this project, I thought things will move quicker. But they only move at the speed I set.

So let’s pick up the speed, shall we?


Hang on!